In 2006, after 30 years of use, the basketball field showed many signs of deterioration. There were cracks in the floor surface and the ground had settled leaving certain areas uneven. Moreover the dimensions of the field were not compliant to the rules. Because the basketball field was such a popular entertainment area it was decided that a new court for two fields should be built. The school wanted to finance this project by refraining from participation of sport meetings at other schools. This way the school saved transport expenses. Unfortunately this money was not enough to cover the costs and it was only possible to finish the project with our financial support. By February 2007 the new court was in use. Unfortunately the cement floor was already worn-out after a year and a new one had to be made. In the meantime the cement prices had risen by 30% since the original purchase in 2006. The reason for this price increase was most likely due to the rise in general construction activity in South Africa because they were hosting the Soccer World Championships in 2010. Geoffrey Munyeme, a former student at Namwala Secondary School, was able to lend a helping hand. He was a physics lecturer at the University of Zambia and was able to organize the needed concrete directly from the factory at the original price. After a year the second top layer was worn-out too and had to be renewed again! At this point the price of concrete had doubled! In 2009 they were finally able to complete all work on the basketball field.