50th anniversary

Namwala Secondary School in the Southern Province will be holding its Golden Jubilee Celebration on Saturday 2nd July, 2016. All former members of staff, pupils and will-wishers are cordially invited.
On Thursday 30th June in the evening, all guests are invited for an informal braai.

Jubilee Projects
The Golden Jubilee Projects are the rehabilitation of the sewerage pond and the purchase of a new school bus. We therefore ask for contributions towards these projects. Contributions can be made by depositing into the school PTA ZANACO (ZAMBIA NATIONAL COMMERCIAL BANK), Namwala Branch, account number 0537749300117.

Further information
Contact the school administration on the following numbers:
or write an email: namwalahighschool@gmail.com
or continue visiting: www.namwalafriends.org

Form 1969

Pictures 1969 to 1971

Form 1972 to 1975

Pictures 1973 to 1975

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