Water tower

Posted in: Switzerland

A new well was built on December 3rd 2014, as the old one couldn’t handle the water supply needed. To be able to generate a steady water pressure, a water tower was needed. The first tower, built in the beginning of 2015, was too weak and too small. Beginning of 2016, the second tower was built. It was tall enough, but didn’t pass the stress test and had to be emptied immediatly. In June 2016, Brian Chilala got the contract to reinforce the tower. We hope that the tower, together with the new toilet and shower buildings, will be finished in the beginning of September, when the students return from their holidays.

The old well with the old water tower, which does not supply enough

PTA-members during the drilling of the new well

The new tanks with the first water tower on the left

The construction of the second tower

The second tower is ready

Stress test of the second tower

The stress test

The first and second tower

This could have happened

Brian Chilala, in charge of …

… the reinforcement of the second tower

The reinforcment of the second tower

Close up view of the reinforcment

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